Axure Tutorial: Common Widgets - Line and Arrow


This article is a part of course Axure Full Course: Tutorial, Tips and Templates.

Line/arrow is a variant of Shape, and it is also a commonly used widget. Today we will introduce how to use line.

Draw Various Lines

There are 3 main ways to draw line:

1. Use Widget Libraries directly

In the default Widget Library, there are two main lines and two main arrows, one is vertical line and the other is horizontal line, just drag it into the canvas.


2. Draw with the Pen Tool

Click the pen tool icon on the Style Toolbar, then draw lines, you can draw both curved or straight lines..


3. Connect multiple widgets by connecting lines.

Each widget has its connection points around it. Click the Draw Connecting Lines button on the Style Toolbar to connect the two widgets through the connection points.


Even if the position of the widget connected through the connection point is changed, its connection line will not break down.

Properties of Line


The Thickness of the line can be adjusted by the buttons on the Style Toolbar or the buttons of the Style Pane


The Color of the line can be adjusted by the buttons on the Style Toolbar or the buttons of the Style Pane.


The Pattern of the line can be adjusted by the buttons on the Style Toolbar or the buttons of the Style Pane.

Arrow Style 

The Arrow Style of the line can be adjusted by the buttons on the Style Toolbar or the buttons of the Style Pane.

That's all for today's lesson.In the following lessons we will continue to introduce commonly used widgets.

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Well Joe @AxureBoutique, a technology writer and teacher, focuses on Axure prototype design and product design. 

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