Axure Tutorial: Common Widgets - Classic Horizontal Menu and Classic Vertical Menu


This article is a part of course Axure Full Course: Tutorial, Tips and Templates.

Classic horizontal menus are often used to build navigation menus, and you can add multiple submenus.

Classic horizontal menu and classic vertical menu are different only in direction, and the other aspects are the same.

Add Menu and Submenu

Right-click a cell of the menu, and select Add Menu Item After or Add Menu Item Before in the pop-up menu to add a sibling menu.

Select Add Submenu to add a submenu.

If the multi-level submenus are added in the classic horizontal menu, the first level submenus of the submenu are vertically distributed, and the other submenus are horizontally distributed.

Show/Hide Menu and Submenu

Hovering the mouse over the menu cell will show its submenu, and moving the mouse out will hide its submenu. 

This is a system setting and cannot be changed.

Delete Menu and Submenu 

Right click the cell and select Delete Menu Item to delete the menu item. Select Delete Submenu to delete the submenus in this menu item.



Classic menu table still has a lot of limitations, if you only need low-fidelity prototype, it can meet your needs, if you need high-fidelity prototype, you can make custom menu, which is introduced in our other articles. 

You cannot adjust the rounded corners of a menu item or underline it.

As we have mentioned earlier, you cannot change the default mouse enter interaction of the menu item system, nor can you control the expansion/collapse of submenus through interactive operations.

That's all for today's lesson.In the following lessons we will continue to introduce commonly used widgets.

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Well Joe @AxureBoutique, a technical writer and teacher, focuses on Axure prototype design and product design. 

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