Product Management & Product Manager Articles

Individual Development Program(HRM)
The Individual Development Program (HRM) template is a comprehensive solution designed to enhance individual development within organizations. Developed by a professional product manager specializing in human resource management, this template serves as a prototype for the individual development module. Product...
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UXDART Web Backend Generic Prototype
The Backend Template Library provides a comprehensive collection of templates and components specifically designed for backend development. It is an ideal solution for rapidly constructing websites with robust backend functionality. Product mentioned in this video: More contents: Axure RP...
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Frontend and Backend of Offline Training Institutions
The Frontend and Backend Solution for Offline Training Institutions is a comprehensive prototype designed specifically for offline educational institutions and training centers. It includes both frontend and backend designs with interactive features. This solution covers a wide range of functionalities,...
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Hotel Booking App Template - Axure Template
The Hotel Booking App Template is a high-fidelity prototype designed to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience for booking hotels. It offers a comprehensive range of features, including hotel searching, detailed hotel information, my booking history, and more. With this...
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Sport Event Registration App - Axure Template
The Sport Event Registration App revolutionizes the process of registering and posting sporting events, providing a seamless, fast, and secure platform for users and merchants. This comprehensive application includes both user and merchant interfaces, offering a complete solution for managing...
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