Product Management & Product Manager Articles

Individual Development Program(HRM)
The Individual Development Program (HRM) template is a comprehensive solution designed to enhance individual development within organizations. Developed by a professional product manager specializing in human resource management, this template serves as a prototype for the individual development module. Product...
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UXDART Web Backend Generic Prototype
The Backend Template Library provides a comprehensive collection of templates and components specifically designed for backend development. It is an ideal solution for rapidly constructing websites with robust backend functionality. Product mentioned in this video: More contents: Axure RP...
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Frontend and Backend of Offline Training Institutions
The Frontend and Backend Solution for Offline Training Institutions is a comprehensive prototype designed specifically for offline educational institutions and training centers. It includes both frontend and backend designs with interactive features. This solution covers a wide range of functionalities,...
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Hotel Booking App Template - Axure Template
The Hotel Booking App Template is a high-fidelity prototype designed to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience for booking hotels. It offers a comprehensive range of features, including hotel searching, detailed hotel information, my booking history, and more. With this...
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Sport Event Registration App - Axure Template
The Sport Event Registration App revolutionizes the process of registering and posting sporting events, providing a seamless, fast, and secure platform for users and merchants. This comprehensive application includes both user and merchant interfaces, offering a complete solution for managing...
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Axure RP 10 and UX Core Skills Course

Axure RP 10 and UX Core Skills Course

Regular price $199.00 Sale price$99.00

Mastering Axure RP 10 and UX core skills in the shortest time. This course is divided into two main parts, the Axure RP 10 part and the UX Design part. If you purchase the course, you will receive gifts of a library and a template as well as UX and product tools, and icon sets. You can also download all the course material files.