Axure Tutorials & Tips

Introduction This article is a section of course Axure Full Course: Tutorial, Tips and Templates. You can sort the repeater rows according to the contents of the dataset. Sorting is often used to sort the columns of a table, such as score, date...
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Introduction This article is a part of course Axure Full Course: Tutorial, Tips and Templates. There are several functions of marking rows, one is to indicate the selected and unselected states of the item, and the other is to be used for subsequent...
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Introduction This article is a part of course Axure Full Course: Tutorial, Tips and Templates. You can dynamically add delete, or delete repeater rows with the Add Rows, Edit Row Date and Delete Rows actions. You can check out Axure Tutorial: Actions Full Guide...
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Introduction This article is a part of course Axure Full Course: Tutorial, Tips and Templates. Repeater is the widget with the most complex interaction among all widgets in Axure RP. You can use it to create a variety of high-fidelity interactive prototypes. For...
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Introduction This article is a part of course Axure Full Course: Tutorial, Tips and Templates. Repeater is often used to display repeated widget patterns, and the content in widgets can be the same or different. Repeaters are often used to make tables or...
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