Work Review Rules

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1. Product information (required)

1. The title of the work: it must be consistent with the content and characteristics of the work.

2. The cover of the work: the size is 1024*1024px, and the content of the cover must be related to the work.

3. Description of the work: It contains a complete text introduction to the work (updates, number of pages, category, application fields, features of the work, instructions for use, screenshots of the work etc). No work introduction or too simple will not pass the review.

4. Source files: Source files containing .rp and .rplib formats  and multiple files can be packaged as zip. Do not upload HTML files.

5. You can directly send the file to AxureBoutique customer service or provide the cloud storage address if it is too large.

2. Work content

All works in are high-quality, which is the purpose of this website. Here are some suggestions to help your work pass the review.

1. Integrity of the work: the category or function of the work is complete, the structure is complete and clear, no blank pages, the layout is neat, there is no dislocation, and the interaction is complete. Works with too little content cannot pass the review, including but not limited to situations such as few pages, few components, and few interactions.

2. Made by Axure native widgets, it does not call or rely on external JS resources, does not use screenshots to replace page content, and does not use external links to mislead users. If external fonts must be referenced, they must be noted in the introduction, and the font installation files and detailed usage instructions must be provided.

3. Scarcity and excellence. Including but not limited to: popular with the market, originality, pixel-perfect, smooth motion, complete interaction, and reasonable layout.

4. You must ensure that you are original before you can publish transactions. Don't sell other people's work, or tamper with other people's work to publish. If the work contains or references the content of the paid work, the authorization of the original author is required to publish the transaction. Content containing or citing free works requires attribution.

5. The works must not appear the trademarks and LOGOs of others, and must not imitate closed-source and commercial products.

6. Do not publish repetitive content, including but not limited to the complete widget library, duplicate UI kit widget library, and works with existing types and highly similar structures.

7. The size of the work shall not be too large, and a single work shall not exceed 500M.

8. It is strictly forbidden to publish the same work multiple times (version updates must be modified on the basis of the original product), and it is strictly forbidden to package multiple published works for sale.

9. It is not allowed to guide external transactions, and those with external transaction links will not be approved.

If you have any other questions, please contact