Product Management & Product Manager Articles

iOS 17 Widget Library
The iOS 17 Widget Library is a comprehensive collection of widgets designed specifically for the latest iOS 17 system. This library provides valuable resources for efficiently building apps and webpages tailored for mobile and iPad devices.   Product mentioned in...
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Enterprise CMS Template - Axure Template
IntroductionThe Enterprise CMS Template is a comprehensive and user-friendly content management system designed to meet the needs of various enterprises. With its intuitive interface and versatile features, it provides a solid foundation for efficient content management, member engagement, feedback management,...
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HR Mamagement System
This template includes the core modules of the HR system. There are 3 ends: employee end, department manager end and HR personnel end. Product mentioned in this video: contents: Axure RP 10 downloads: Axure Libraries: Axure Templates: Product & UX Tools:...
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