Axure Tutorials & Tips

Axure Tutorial: Make Funnel Chart with Repeater
Introduction Funnel chart is a chart often used when viewing e-commerce shopping data. Through the repeater to make the funnel chart, you can quickly generate the chart without connecting to the external network. Features to be Realized 1. Automatically generate chart data...
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Axure Tutorial: Make Questionnaire with Repeater
Introduction Questionnaire is a tool often used in user research. It is also a necessary skill for every user experience(UX) designer and product manager. Today, I will teach you how to use the repeater to make a questionnaire, including single-choice, multiple-choice...
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Axure Tutorial: High Fidelity Search Box
Introduction Search is a common feature. In Axure, you can call the search engine to search the text entered in the search box. Today we'll learn how to make high-fidelity search box that can call the Bing search engine. Features to be...
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Axure Tutorial: Make Two Columns Selector with Repeater
Introduction Region selector, date and time selector are controls we often use in interface design. They are actually a combination of widgets and data. The selectors made by the repeater allows us to quickly change data to meet different needs. Features to be Realized 1. When...
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