UI / UX / Interaction Design Articles

About UX: How to Conduct Design Validation?
Source: https://axureboutique.com/blogs/ui-ux-design/about-ux-how-to-conduct-design-validation More: https://axureboutique.com Conducting design validation requires following a series of steps and methods to ensure the effectiveness and usability of the design. The following are the general steps for conducting design validation:Define Design Objectives: Before starting the design validation...
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About UX: What is Design Validation?
Source: https://axureboutique.com/blogs/ui-ux-design/about-ux-what-is-design-validation More: https://axureboutique.com Design validation refers to the process of verifying and confirming the design solutions during the product design phase. In the design validation stage, the design team evaluates the effectiveness, feasibility, and compliance of the design solutions through various...
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About UX: MUI Introduction to Design Specifications
Source: https://axureboutique.com/blogs/ui-ux-design/about-ux-mui-introduction-to-design-specificationsMore: https://axureboutique.com MUI is a popular React UI component library based on Google's Material Design language. MUI offers a comprehensive set of design guidelines and reusable components, enabling developers to easily build visually appealing and feature-rich websites and applications....
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About UX: An Overview of Lightening Design System
Source: https://axureboutique.com/blogs/ui-ux-design/about-ux-an-overview-of-lightening-design-system  More: https://axureboutique.com Let's explore the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS), a comprehensive set of guidelines for creating cohesive and effective user experiences within the Salesforce ecosystem. Here are the key components:Principles: SLDS is built on four key principles - Clarity,...
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About UX: An Overview of Ant Design Guidelines
Source: https://axureboutique.com/blogs/ui-ux-design/about-ux-an-overview-of-ant-design-guidelines More: https://axureboutique.com Let's dive into the Ant Design Guidelines, a comprehensive design system developed by Alibaba. These guidelines are built on several key principles to ensure a consistent and high-quality user experience:Design Values: Ant Design starts with a set...
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