Axure Tutorials & Tips

60 Seconds Axure RP 10 Case: Page Interactions
Introduction 60 seconds Axure RP 10, make progress every day! Using repeaters, you can easily create pagination interactions for card lists. If you like the article, please share it with others with page link, thanks for your supporting! ❤ Well...
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60 Seconds Axure RP 10 Case: Make Slider
Introduction 60 seconds Axure RP 10, make progress every day! With dynamic panel, you can create a slider bar. Show changes in slider values as you drag.  If you like the article, please share it with others with page link,...
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60 Seconds Axure RP 10 Case: Get Date & Time
Introduction 60 seconds Axure RP 10, make progress every day! You can obtain the current date and time through the text interactions. If you like the article, please share it with others with page link, thanks for your supporting! ❤...
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