Axure Tutorials & Tips

Axure Q&A: How to create dynamic indicators?
Source: More: At Axure Forum, a user wants to create a dynamic indicator that appears on each page. But he didn't know how to effectively and intelligently implement it, so he sought help. This indicator has three states in total. Use...
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Axure dynamic panel vs component, deep comparison and suggestions
Source: More: Creating component variants Dynamic panels and components are reusable elements that can change states. Today, I will demonstrate their efficiency and practicality. Which one is more convenient to use? Dynamic panels are indeed efficient, and when turned into...
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How Axure helped you build a design system?
Source: More: You are a member of a design team responsible for managing your company's design system. The system needs to include consistent design elements, styles, and components to ensure product coherence and brand recognition across the user interface. You...
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