Axure Tutorials & Tips

60 Seconds Axure RP 10 Case: Adaptive Design
By setting adaptive views, changing the width of the page can change the position of the cards
60 seconds Axure RP 10, make progress every day!

60 Seconds Axure RP 10 Case: Text Edition (2)
Edit multiple texts at once. Click the Confirm button to save the edited text. Click the cancel button to not save the edited text
60 seconds Axure RP 10, make progress every day!

60 Seconds Axure RP 10 Case: Text Edition
Create an editable text. Click the OK button to save the edited text. Click the cancel button to not save the edited text
60 seconds Axure RP 10, make progress every day!

60 Seconds Axure RP 10 Case: Phone Dialing Interface
Create a phone dialing interface. Click the keyboard button to add a number, and click the Backspace button to delete a number.
60 seconds Axure RP 10, make progress every day!

60 Seconds Axure RP 10 Case: Draggable Content Frame
Create a FAB navigation framework for posting. You can post text, snapshot, and pictures
60 seconds Axure RP 10, make progress every day!