Axure Tutorials & Tips

60 Seconds Axure RP 10 Case: High-Fidelity Interactions
Create a high fidelity interactive interface. By adding hot spots and interactions to UI images, you can achieve high fidelity interactive effects.
60 seconds Axure RP 10, make progress every day!

60 Seconds Axure RP 10 Case: Make Carousel
Create an interactive Carousel.
60 seconds Axure RP 10, make progress every day!

60 Seconds Axure RP 10 Case: Selection Interactions of Checkbox
Control all other checkboxes through an ALL Checkbox, and control this All Checkbox based on the selected states of all checkboxes.

60 Seconds Axure RP 10 Case: Left and Bottom Drawer Navigation
Create a left and bottom drawer navigation with animation.
60 seconds Axure RP 10, make progress every day!

Make a Tab bar with dynamic panels and mobile actions. 60 seconds Axure RP 10, make progress every day!
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#axure #interaction #Axure RP 10 #UI/UX