Axure RP & Plugin Downloads

Axure RP 9 Downloads and Buying
Axure RP 9 official installation package download address Axure RP 9 for PC       Axure RP 9 for Mac Axure RP 9 is a rapid prototyping software, which is mainly used for interactive prototyping of web interface, APP interface and software interface products. It...
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Axure RP 10 and UX Core Skills Course

Axure RP 10 and UX Core Skills Course

Regular price $199.00 Sale price$99.00

Mastering Axure RP 10 and UX core skills in the shortest time. This course is divided into two main parts, the Axure RP 10 part and the UX Design part. If you purchase the course, you will receive gifts of a library and a template as well as UX and product tools, and icon sets. You can also download all the course material files.