Ant Design System+Ant Mobile+Templates

Ant Design System+Ant Mobile+Templates

Regular price$139.00





Axure Libraries, Axure Templates

Welcome to our versatile Axure Library, combining Ant Design System, Ant Mobile, and backend templates. This comprehensive toolkit caters to both mobile and desktop prototyping needs, with the added convenience of common backend templates to accelerate backend system development.

· Aligned meticulously with the Ant Design System and Ant Design Mobile for consistent and cohesive design principles.
· Covers both mobile and desktop prototypes, ensuring seamless adaptability to various platforms.
· Encompasses a wide array of official components and templates, maximizing design possibilities.
· Ensures pixel-perfect precision, resulting in polished and visually appealing interfaces.
· Offers an extensive collection of widgets and templates, empowering designers with a diverse range of options.

Update(May 20, 2024)

· General
Image, Image Viewer, InfiniteScroll

Update(October 12, 2023)


·Data Dsiplay
WaterMark, Footer, PickerView

·Navigation & Layout
Mobile-AutoCenter, Mobile-Divider, Mobile-SafeArea, Mobile-SideBar, Mobile-PickerView

Update(April 18, 2023)

· General
Button, Typography, Grid, Space

· Navigation

· Data Entry

· Data Display

Product Includes

· Basic
Button, List, Space

· Data Display
Badge, Icon, Card

· Feedback
ActionSheet, Dialog, Empty, Error Block, Loading, Mask, Progress Bar, ProgressCircle, PullToRefresh, Result, SwipeAction, Toast

· General
Button, Icon, Divider, Tools

· Layout
Side Navigation Bar - Dark, Side Navigation Bar - Dark - Fold, Side Navigation Bar - Light, Side Navigation Bar - Light - Fold, Top navigation bar - level 2, Top navigation bar - level 3, Top navigation bar - level 4, Top navigation bar - level N


· Login
1. Login / 1. Account password login, 1. Login / 2. Login with mobile phone number, 1. Login / 1. Account password login / 1. Verification, 1. Login / 1. Account password login / 2. Error, 1. Login / 3. Register, 1. Login / 3. Registration page / 1. Feedback, 1. Login / 3. Registration page / 1. Feedback, 1. Login / 3. Registration page / 2. Success

· Notification
2. Notification / 1. Notification is blank, 3. Layout / 1. Dark / 2. Side Menu Layout, 3. Layout / 2. Bright Color / 1. Side Menu Layout, 3. Layout / 2. Bright Color / 2. Top Menu Layout, Mixed Menu Layout - Bright Menu Style, 3. Layout / 3. Dark / 1. Top Menu Layout, 3. Layout / 3. Dark / 2. Mixed menu layout



Axure RP 9 or up
Application Field Desktop & Mobile, Widget Library, Backend Templates
Download Includes
· Ant Design System+Ant Mobile+Templates Demo (.rp)
· Ant Design Templates(.rp)
· Ant Design Widget Library(.rplib)
· Mobile Ant Design Widget Library(.rplib)
· Ant Design Font(.ttf)
In order to display text icons normally, you need to install fonts on your computer (ttf)
Pages 236
File Size 205.6 MB

Free for Life

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Lifetime Free Upgrades

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Considerate, easy to use

Considerate, Easy to Use

All products have been carefully crafted, taking into account the convenience of users.

Used in real scenes

Real Projects & Apps

Our prototypes are extracted from the real projects/apps and have been tested by many users.