Axure Tutorial: Page Management - Adding, Deleting, Searching, Editing, Reordering
This article is a part of course Axure Full Course: Tutorial, Tips and Templates.
Axure's project contains one or more pages. The page can be used as the basic pages of a website or the basic views of an app.
The main operations of page include: page management, page styling, adding interaction and notes.
Pages pane
Today, we learn page management - adding, deleting, searching, editing, reordering pages.
There are two main ways to add a new page, one is to click the Add Page button on the Pages panel; the other is to right-click the page or folder and select Add > Page After/Page Before/Child Page。

There are two main ways to delete a page, one is to select the selected page and press the Delete key directly; the other is to right-click the page to be deleted, and then select Delete option. If there are sub-pages, a warning popup will appear to confirm whether you want to delete the current page and all sub pages.

Editing Name
There are two main ways to edit the name of the page, one is to select a page, and then click the page again to enter the edit mode; the other is to right-click the current page and select the Rename option.

Click the search icon on the pages panel, then enter the page name, you can search pages, the system will search in real time after entering the text.

Select the page you want to adjust the order, and then drag it to the desired position. You can also adjust the level of the page by dragging.
Reorder pages
You can also right-click the page and select the menu to adjust the page order.
You can right-click the page you want to copy, and then select Page or Branch to duplicate the page. Page means to duplicate only the current page, Branch means to duplicate the current page and all branch pages.

Other operations such as Copy, Cut, Paste pages can be implemented either by shortcut keys (for example: Ctrl/Command+C to copy) or by right-clicking the page and selecting the corresponding option.
That's all for today's lesson. In the next lesson, we will learn how to styling pages.
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Well Joe @AxureBoutique, a technology writer and teacher, focuses on Axure prototype design and product design.
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