Axure Tutorial: Repeaters - Dynamically Adding, Editing Deleting Rows


This article is a part of course Axure Full Course: Tutorial, Tips and Templates.

You can dynamically add delete, or delete repeater rows with the Add Rows, Edit Row Date and Delete Rows actions.

You can check out Axure Tutorial: Actions Full Guide - Axure Interactive Template for an intuitive understanding of adding rows and deleting actions.

Adding Rows

You can add one or more rows to the repeater at once. Select an event, click Add Rows, select a repeater, and enter the value for each row on the popup window.

You can enter text, import images, add urls, or enter functions, just like adding rows in dataset.

Editing Row Data

There are 3 ways to edit row data dynamically.

1. Edit the specified row data.
As shown in the image above, select row #, and then enter the row(s) to edit. You can edit multiple row data at once.

Then click the Add button, you can add the column and value you want to edit, you can also add multiple columns and their values at once.

2. Edit row data with rule.

You can enter an expression to edit the specified row(s), as shown in the image above, it will edit the row where the Heading column value is Heading 1 or Heading 2 or Heading 3.

3. Edit marked rows
If you marked rows before, selecting the marked option will edit the marked rows, you can set the column value.

Deleting Rows 

There are 3 ways to delete rows dynamically.

1. Delete the specified row.
As shown in the image above, select row #, and then enter the row(s) to delete. You can delete multiple rows at once.

2. Delete rows with rule.

You can enter an expression to delete the specified row(s), as shown in the image above, it will delete the row where the Heading column value is Heading 1.

3. Delete marked rows
If you marked rows before, selecting the marked option will delete the marked rows.


That's all for today's lesson. Next lesson we will introduce how to mark rows.

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Well Joe @AxureBoutique, a technical writer and teacher, focuses on Axure prototype design and product design.  

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