Axure Tutorial: Common Widgets - Checkbox


This article is a part of course Axure Full Course: Tutorial, Tips and Templates.

Checkbox, like Dropbox, can be used to select one option among multiple options. It is often used in forms, and you can choose it according to the situation.

Box Size and Alignment

You can adjust the Box size and label alignment in the Style pane.

Checking and Unchecking a Checkbox

You can click on a Checkbox to change its state. You can also change the state of a Checkbox by action.

Set checked state 

Selected or Unselected Event

Selected, unselected, selected or unselected are checkbox-specific events.

Often used to show or hide more content in a form.

Show/hide options when selected/unselected

Other Interaction Properties

Submit Button
If the submit button is specified, when the droplist gets focus, pressing the Enter key will trigger the interaction set by the Submit button. This is often used for form submissions.

That's all for today's lesson.In the following lessons we will continue to introduce commonly used widgets.

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Well Joe @AxureBoutique, a technical writer and teacher, focuses on Axure prototype design and product design. 

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