Axure Tutorials & Tips

Axure Tutorial: Dynamic Line Chart
Introduction When we make some prototype diagrams at work, especially the background prototype, we will often involve statistical diagram information. In the last issue, I introduced in detail how to draw dynamic bar charts. In this issue, I will give...
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Axure Tutorial: Make Dropdown with Tree
Introduction The dropdown is one of the most space-saving selection control. We can use the dropdown to quickly select options; if there are too many options, we will also use the dropdown tree to classify the options, such as Item 1-Item...
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Axure Tutorial: Make Heat Map with Repeater
Introduction Heat maps are commonly used statistical charts in visual interfaces, so today we will learn how to make heat maps in Axure. We will use the repeater to make it, because the repeater has high reusability. When it is...
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Axure Tutorial: Simulated Missile Trajectory
Introduction We can often meet tracking missiles in shooting games. Its basic principle is to use various shape and trajectory formulas. Today, let's learn how to make missile trajectory with Axure. Features to be Realized 1. Make a circular missile trajectory...
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